privacy Policy
The following Privacy Policy is for Alina Turgieva trading as Kind Nutrition ABN 20 907 350 840 and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act) and The Australian Privacy Principles 2014, together with the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (QLD).
This Privacy Policy applies to all personal and health information collected by Kind Nutrition via the website located at
By engaging us or registering your details on our website, and/or using our website or supplying information or documents to us, you consent to us collecting, using and disclosing your personal information (including health information) for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.
Collection of Information
As part of providing dietetic services to you, Kind Nutrition collects personal information from you that is necessary and relevant to your treatment. We collect the following information in the following ways:
a) from our clients – when they register an enquiry, request an assessment for the purposes of dietary advice, or when they engage in the provision of our services at any time;
b) when we receive enquiries through the website or when the website is accessed or used;
c) when we receive enquiries via email; and
d) from third-party service providers – when they are engaged to supply services to us, provide information to us or invoice us for the provision of services.
The kind of personal information we may collect will depend on who you are and the nature of your interaction with us, and may include identifying information (such as names, contact details, addresses, occupations; dates of birth, and gender), information connected with treatment and your appointments. It may also include billing information and other personal information, including health information about you from other health care providers. If you do not provide us with all the information we request, we may not be able to deliver our services.
The personal information we collect is stored in our secure, electronic management system. At all times we take reasonable steps to ensure the protection of the personal information we hold. Kind Nutrition may communicate with you via email or SMS. Where possible, this communication is limited to administrative matters.
Purpose of Collection
We collect personal and health information from clients for the purpose of providing dietary advice. This enables us to safely, appropriately and accurately provide our services. We will advise individuals of the purpose for which their personal information is collected. If we collect sensitive information (as defined under the Act), we will treat it with the utmost security and confidentiality. We will ensure that it is not collected for any purposes, other than those for which we have obtained the individual’s consent, unless the law requires otherwise, or other exceptional circumstances prevail as described under the Act.
Disclosing information
We will only disclose personal information in accordance with the Act.
This means that personal information may be disclosed:
For the purposes for which we have advised that we are collecting it, and for related purposes that the individual would reasonably expect;
Where we have the consent of the individual to do so;
As required by law; or
Under other circumstances where permitted under the Act.
Access to personal information
At any stage you may request access to the personal information we hold, unless the law provides otherwise. If we are unable to provide you with access we will advise you of the reason in writing. All requests for access to personal information should be lodged in writing to the email address provided below. These requests will be responded to within 14 days.
Opt- out
You may withdraw your consent for us to contact you, for the continued collection, use or disclosure of your information, at any time, by contacting us at
Privacy Enquiries
Privacy related enquiries or concerns can be directed to
This Privacy Policy was last updated on Sept 16 2023